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Charlees Props

Ornament Archway with snowflake - 7.5ft tall

Ornament Archway with snowflake - 7.5ft tall

Regular price $170.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $170.00 USD
Sale Sold out

This ornament archway is guaranteed to impress!  

Use it over a door, a sidewalk, or as an amazing multiple-person photo op backdrop!

This prop uses only 400 pixels despite being over 7.5ft tall and 11.5ft wide!  The inner max height is 80 inches (or a little over 6.5ft tall).  There is enough space between the outer edge and the outer pixel to make a variety of mounting options work - which will vary depending on your use.

This is sold and shipped as 8 pieces with zip tie brackets.  The main ornament hook and arch piece use 150 pixels and are designed to stay together as 1 piece.  The rest of the pieces each require 50 pixels.  The support brackets for all other pieces are designed to slide off one side so that removal and disassembly is easy for storage purposes.

The Xmodel contains submodels for the arches, the hook, and multiple submodels for the 50 pixel small snowflake integrated right into the stem of the ornament!

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